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Local Content Masterclass - Houston, October 2022

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

DAI Local Content Masterclass September 2022

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

PDO Masterclass 4 - 6 July 2022

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

DAI Virtual Entrepreneurship Academy

DAI’s world-class entrepreneurship training curriculum includes four courses aligned with Zubair EDC. These courses have been shaped and optimized over decades of DAI experience delivering training for entrepreneurs. The strength of DAI’s approach is a focus on a high level of engagement and hands-on activities for participants. These courses are as follows:

  1. Entrepreneurship and the Business Model Canvas

  2. Financial Management

  3. Mastering Your Market  

  4. Sales and Marketing

This is not traditional a lecture-style curriculum, and participants must be willing to spend time on homework between each session in order to maximize real value from the training.

Local Content Masterclass May 2022

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

Local Content Masterclass December 2021

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

อาจารย์: Tate Crowards

Masterclass Alumni Portal

Welcome Masterclass Alumni! You are joining a truly global group of advanced local content practitioners and enthusiasts. This site can be used to share ideas, current events and keep in touch with follow alumni. 

อาจารย์: Tate Crowards


STARTING SBG is our onboarding training program. 

Local Content Masterclass June 2021

Since mid-2015, the topic of local content has moved center stage, and with it the need for adaptive professionals to implement rapidly evolving local content compliance regimes and deliver tangible local benefits as a balance to globalization. Today, in upending the supply chain world order, the COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we source goods and labor. Companies and governments should not wait for this current pandemic to run its course before launching initiatives to reimagine their use of local content—and they certainly shouldn’t wait for the next global shock to force their hand. The following training modules have been developed from DAI’s globally recognized Local Content Master Class, which has been operating for more than 10 years and trained more than 500 practitioners globally. The Master Class is accredited by the British Accreditation Council.